Q&A: Betsy

Q&A: Betsy


Moving to the Rhythm of Nature

1. Home: Where are you from? Where do you live now?

I am from the piney woods of East Texas, and now live in the high desert of Utah! 

2. Purpose/Life’s work: How did you find your calling to Yoga?

My mom and sisters were originally the first to start going to yoga, and it wasn't until the end of a toxic relationship while in college that I started going to classes. I needed something--anything--to focus my energy elsewhere. I very quickly fell in love with how I felt after a deep sweat and moving my breath and body in sync with one another. I started attending classes religiously, oftentimes twice a day. I was able to tune into myself for the very first time and I became addicted. As Kino says of the yoga practice, you discover that "freedom is contained within your own skin".

3. Source of Inspiration: What inspires your creative yoga sequencing?

Oftentimes, it is a singular transition from one pose to another that I discover while on my own mat that guides the peak sequence for a class. Like dancing, I like to play with a push and pull, expansion and compression, between shapes. I like to emulate with my body and energy a sense of taking up space. I often tell students and remind myself that it is okay to break the rules and move with what feels good, freeing, and intuitive. 

4. Music for the soul: We love your playlist! What songs have you recently added?

Music is so important to the structure, pace, and overall energy of my class! For a slow flow class, I have been loving Rebirth-Heart Mix by DJ Taz Rashid.

6. Nourishment: What feeds your soul? Body? Mind?

Besides yoga, it is as much time in nature as I can away from cell service. Every weekend living in Utah I ask myself if I want a mountain adventure or a desert escape. 

8. Community Connection: Can you share some of the ways you’re involved in your local community as a yoga teacher or in any other capacity?

This summer I have been teaching free classes at a local park. We flow to a perfect view of Mount Olympus while overlooking a bird preserve. 


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